Event Monitor (7-28 day ECG monitoring/recording)

What is an Event Monitor?

An Event monitor is a small battery powered device, which continuously monitors your heart rate and rhythm for up to 28 days. An event monitor is usually used to capture transient arrhythmias which can be difficult to capture in 24 hrs – such as atrial fibrillation, bradycardia, tachycardia, syncope or following an event such as a stoke.

It can record events (heart rate or rhythm disturbances) manually or automatically. In Dr Small’s rooms we use the HeartBug ® device to undertake this type of testing. The device is attached to your chest with 2 electrodes as you go about your normal day-to-day activities. For more information on the HeartBug we suggest you watch this video: https://www.heartbug.com.au/how-to-use-patch/

You can shower and get the Heartbug patch wet (although swimming is not recommended).

You should allow 20-30 minutes for the electrode placement.

Event Monitor Recording Brisbane

Before your procedure:

  • Take your usual medications
  • Wear a two piece outfit on the day so you can easily undress to your waist and the electrodes can be fitted
  • You will need a smartphone to be able to have this test and Bluetooth capability turned on.
During your procedure set up:

Our staff will explain the procedure and equipment to you. They will help you download the app, enter your details and show you how to use the app.

The skin is cleaned and two ECG dots are placed on your chest. The HeartBug will be started. Our staff will assist you to go through the HeartBug app and show you how to enter information if you feel unwell. They will also show you how to manually capture any events that you ‘feel’.

The device will capture your heart rate and rhythm for up to 28 days. The information captured and uploaded is reviewed regularly by Dr Small and the device can be taken off earlier if the events captured give enough information to determine a treatment plan.

At the end of the 28 days:

At the end of the 28 days you contact our reception staff to let them know you have discontinued the monitor. Please send the bug and fly-lead back to HeartBug in the pre-paid envelope provided. A report will also be sent to your GP.